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Total Automotive Services With Care

We are known for reliable automotive services at ATL Total Car Care in Lauderhill and Tamarac, Florida. Some people come to us for routine maintenance, like oil changes or tune-ups, while others trust us with more extensive repairs and emergency work. We have designed our shop to handle any repair on any make or model. Our mechanics are experienced at working with brakes, engines, transmissions, and more. Whatever brings you to us, you will receive fast and friendly service from our certified mechanics. We provide premier automotive craftsmanship at affordable prices. Visit us to get your free estimate.

Automotive Services Trusted by Lauderhill & Tamarac, FL

The people of Florida trust ATL Total Car Care because of our commitment to honest and affordable automotive services. Our community trusts us to provide them with automotive services over and over because of our proven track record. We have built our reputation on the simple principles of providing our area with fast, affordable, and friendly service. We want you to feel like you are taking your car to a family member or a neighborhood shop when you come to us. At the same time, you should take comfort in the knowledge that all our labor meets the highest standards.

Your One-Stop Auto Shop