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All About Our Automotive Service Team

Let us tell you a little bit more about us at ATL Total Car Care in Lauderhill and Tamarac, Florida. While we are a locally based company, we are also proud members of the ATL Total Care Centers Network, a national franchise with a high standard of excellence. Our mission is to give the members of our community access to a one-stop-shop for all automotive services. By keeping the people within our community on the road, we believe we can help them achieve their personal goals, live happier lives, and make a better world. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of craftsmanship at the most affordable price.

oil change

ATL Total Car Care Does Rapid Repairs

When your car breaks, it disrupts your life. The longer your vehicle is out of commission, the longer it prevents you from living your life. If your car is in the shop, you can’t take the kids to school or get to work on time. We take a great deal of satisfaction in helping people get back on the road as soon as possible. Not only are our technicians skilled and trained, but they are also some of the fastest in the business. While their priority is always attention to detail, the ATL Total Car Care team takes pride in providing car owners with speedy maintenance and repairs.

Your One-Stop Auto Shop