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Lauderhill and Tamarac, FL-Based Automotive Maintenance Team

Here at ATL Total Car Care in Lauderhill and Tamarac, Florida, we take automotive maintenance seriously. We built our business philosophy around increasing your car’s lifespan at a fair price. Owning a car is an investment. If your vehicle is improperly maintained, it can depreciate in value. If you are financing your vehicle, you simply cannot afford to have it break down due to improper maintenance. Our mission is to protect the people in our community from the painful effects of unnecessary breakdowns by providing automotive maintenance with expert craftsmanship. We hope you bring your vehicle to us and become members of our automotive family.

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ATL Total Car Care’s Preventative Automotive Maintenance

Don’t get caught letting repair costs snowball. Your car is an advanced piece of machinery that needs attention and care to keep running correctly. Even the manufacturers of vehicles recommend routine maintenance at specific intervals. They do this because they know parts will wear out and break over time no matter how well a car is built. Routine maintenance is the best way to avoid unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs. Keeping your car well-maintained causes less stress on the vehicle over time, giving it a longer lifespan. We have certified technicians ready to perform maintenance and safety inspections at ATL Total Car Care.

Your One-Stop Auto Shop