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The Current Job Openings Are

ATL Total Car Care

ATL International, Inc. was established in 1985, and has been in business for over 30 years! We provide today’s motorists with high-quality maintenance and repair services.

Provide customer service and maintain customer retention
Drive shop production by scheduling appointments and maximizing walk-in traffic
Determine customer needs and our ability to meet their expectations
Presentation and explanation of all maintenance and repair services to customers
Finalize work orders, accounting for all cost and parts and receipt of customer payment
Handle customer complaints, comebacks, warranty and quality issues
Maintain high degree of business ethics
Technical service procedure compliance and effective communication with technicians

High School diploma or equivalent
ASE Certification is a plus
General mechanical skills, ability to operate power and hand tools and other types of machinery
Attention to detail
Demonstrated customer service skills
Ability to operate an automobile, including manual transmission vehicles
ATL Auto is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workplace

Work Location: Lauderhill, Tamarac, Sunrise FL.

Job Type: Full-time

Compensation: Negotiable

Paid time off
Holiday pay

9-hour shifts (Mon-Sat)
Closed (Sun)

Auto Repair: 3-5 years (Preferred)
License/Certification: (Preferred)
ASE Certification (Preferred)

ATL Total Car Care

ATL International, Inc. was established in 1985, and has been in business for over 30 years! We provide today’s motorists with high-quality maintenance and repair services.

Perform vehicle repair and/or maintenance work
Diagnosing the cause of any malfunction and perform repair
Conducting multi-point inspections to make appropriate recommendations
Documenting work performed on each vehicle on the repair order
Candidates must have their own tools, driver’s license, good work ethic, and and desire to work in a team atmosphere

High School diploma or equivalent
ASE Certification a plus
General mechanical skills, ability to operate power and hand tools and other types of machinery
Attention to detail
Demonstrated customer service skills
Ability to operate an automobile, including manual transmission vehicles
ATL Auto is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workplace

Work Location: Lauderhill, Tamarac, Sunrise FL.

Job Type: Full-time

Compensation: Negotiable

Paid time off
Holiday pay

9-hour shifts (Mon-Sat)
Closed (Sun)

Auto Repair: 7-10 years (Preferred)
License/Certification: (Preferred)
ASE Certification (Preferred)

ATL Total Car Care

ATL International, Inc. was established in 1985, and has been in business for over 30 years! We provide today’s motorists with high-quality maintenance and repair services.

Provide leadership to the ATL Total Car Care team and effective oversight ensuring proper staffing processes are accurately executed in accordance with the ATL Counter Sales procedures and sales targets are met within specified timeframes
Driving associate and customer engagement through targeted promotions, activities and interactions
Optimizing the use of Vehicle Maintenance Information (VMI) forms, technology (Shop Management System) and other company resources for maintenance and repair service offerings.
Assist in establishing and achieving budgeted revenue, gross profit and net income
Routinely review labor and part cost, ensuring proper inventory management /equipment maintenance and returns/credits providing relative reports to the Owner regularly
Assist in Purchasing, Vendor/Subcontractor relations
Independently resolving customer complaints, comebacks, warranty and quality issues

High School diploma or equivalent
Automotive shop management experience
ASE Certification a plus
Attention to detail
Ability to operate an automobile, including manual transmission vehicles
ATL Auto is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workplace

Work Location: Lauderhill, Tamarac, Sunrise FL.

Job Type: Full-time

Salary + Commission Potential

Paid time off
Holiday pay

9-hour shifts (Mon-Sat)
Closed (Sun)

Automotive: 5 years (Preferred)
Leadership/Management: 2-5 years
ASE Certification: (Preferred)

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